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Workplace Stress & Burnout has reached a critical level, to the point that Legislation has been updated to include 'Managing Psychosocial Hazards & Risks'. Not only does it make smart business sense to take care of your staff mental health and well-being it is a Work Safe Act requirement.   (non accredited)

Mix and match our 30 / 60 and 90 minute programs to create the perfect training program.



Key strategies for addressing Mental Health in the Workplace


Raising awareness of mental health problems in the workplace is essential to cultivating healthy, harmonious and productive work environments. Training and awareness in Mental Health has been shown to result in better knowledge, attitudes and help-giving.​​

Topics covered:

What is Mental Health First Aid

Why do we need it

The impact both psychologically and physiologically if not addressed

Signs, Symptoms and Judgements of Anxiety and Depression

3-Step Action Plan

Applied Practice

Strategies to take care of your Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness - 60 minutes

Applied Mental Health - 90 minutes


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Key strategies for addressing breakdown in communication and defusing conflict


In this fast-paced and increasingly uncertain world, we need effective and easy processes for problem solving, growing emotional intelligence and building resilience. This translates into more cohesive, happier and peaceful workplace cultures.​​

Topics covered:

Essential strategies for clear communication 

Proven process for defusing conflict

Skills for healthy relationships, connection and collaboration

The benefit of connecting with your needs and understanding the needs of others.

Self-regulation and personal responsibility

Steps for clear communication and how to make requests vs demands

Clear Communication - 60 minutes

Conflict Resolution - 90 minutes


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Daily practices to reduce stress and
improve wellbeing


This program dives straight into strategies for managing in our fast-paced world. It addresses common causes of stress in our daily lives, relationships, workplace and physical bodies. This is paired with specific tools for expanding capacity and resilience in a sustainable and relatable way. With interactive processes and home practices, this 30-minute SOS Course supports your team to improve and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Topics covered:

Essential resilience strategies 

Skills to cope with stress & change 

Techniques to self-soothe and reinforce self-responsibility

3 pillars for mental health

Ways to take care of your Mental Health

The Inner Critic and Ways to Pattern Interrupt


SOS Self Care 30 or 45 minutues

Workplace Wellbeing - 90 mintues



100% face to face

30 min or 60 minute format

(mix and match with our other programs to create a perfect workplace training program for your workers)​


Benefits to the business:

  • Stronger organisational culture

  • Decrease absenteeism

  • Reduce physical injuries

  • Improve communication and connection


Program design:

  • Experiential processes, an impactful learning style

  • Provide skills and strategies that can be implemented today

  • Relaxed and engaging training style

  • Meet WHS legislation requirements


Additional inclusions:

  • Confidential pre course interview (this will assist in contextualising content)

  • Confidential post course survey (providing invaluable feedback from workers)

  • Post course report from the Facilitator providing feedback and recommendations

  • Certificate of course delivery and attendance record as evidence of training

Communication Training
Workplace communications training
Workplace Mental Health Awareness Training


Workplace mental health statistics

86% of staff and management believe that ineffective communication

is the root of all workplace failures. 

Source -Economist Intelligence Unit


II244NAT Mental Health Support for First Responders

Mental Health Support course

This Nationally recognised course is uniquely tailored to provide comprehensive education on mental health, fostering resilience and offering practical strategies for managing the mental health impacts of crisis response.

You will learn to recognise signs and symptoms of mental health concerns and respond effectively, providing crucial support until professional help arrives. 

HLTWHS006 Managing Personal Stress in the Work Environment

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This course is designed for individuals who work in high-stress environments such as emergency services, healthcare, and other demanding sectors, particularly where shiftwork is a feature of the role. Students will learn about the causes and effects of workplace stress, identify personal stressors and triggers, strategies for managing short- and long-term stress, develop a personalised stress management plan based on your interests and needs. And the importance of seeking help when necessary to build resilience to manage short- and long-term stress It also covers the legal and ethical responsibilities of employers and employees in relation to workplace health and safety (WHS), and the communication and documentation requirements for reporting incidents and hazards related to workplace stress to promote a safe, healthy and supportive work environment and reduce the risk of stress-related illness and injury.


We are very grateful for the Mental Health Awareness and Self Care provided by FAST First Aid Training.

The tools and the resources were easy to use and ones that we can implement in to every day life.

We were so impressed we are going to deliver this training to our years 10 - 12 boarding students.

Matt McEwen - Brisbane Boys College

Just completed the first of 3 x 30 minute mental health & well-being toolbox talks with our team. Great content, very relevant, & love that this training is being offered & presented locally. Looking forward to the next 2 talks!

Thank you Sarah

Linda - Base Metal Fabrication

The delivery of the content was relaxed and very relevant to our workplace.

I found value in the 4 step communication, this is something that will help me not only at work but at home.

The conflict resolution strategies were very helpful as this is something as a teacher we need to manage every day.

Nicole - St Edmunds College

Team work

One stop shop for Workplace Training! 

Our range of First Aid courses, Online Compliance Training and Workplace Well-being Programs tailored to meet both your training and legislative needs.

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